
Showing posts with the label Scale

A Major Harmonic Scale

Middle C midi note 60 is. A Major Harmonized Scale The A Major harmonized scale is shown on a series of detailed fretboard diagrams that reflect the scale on three strings up the fretboard. Harmonic Minor Scales Chart Escalas Musicais Notas Musicais Musica What is the formula for the A harmonic major scale 2M - 2M - 2m - 2M - 2m - 2A - 2m Intervals What intervals are in the A harmonic major scale Root Note Major 2nd Major 3rd Perfect 4th. . A harmonic minor scale degrees This step shows the A harmonic minor scale degrees - tonic supertonic mediant subdominant dominant submediant leading note tone and octave. 1 root 2 second 3 4 third 5 sixth b6 in the. Harmonic Major Scales Harmonic Major is comparable to the Major Scale having a lowered sixth but otherwise being identical the scale is also referred to as Major b6 Scale. Adjust the start fret option to further. This Scale Sounds SO GOOD. The harmonic minor scale or Aeolian...